initial velocity

linearized model and control system

Enter the transfer function of the controller in the box below.

Controller K_y(s) Model P_y(s)
Closed-loop Poles
Bode plot of open-loop transfer function L_y(s)=P_y(s)K_y(s)

Transfer function of plant model (which is only used for calculating loop transfer function and is not related to simulation) is as follows:

Enter the transfer function of the controller in the box below.

Controller K_\theta(s) Model P_\theta(s)
Closed-loop Poles
Bode plot of open-loop transfer function L_\theta(s)=P_\theta(s)K_\theta(s)

Transfer function of plant model (which is only used for calculating loop transfer function and is not related to simulation) is as follows:

Enter the transfer function of the controller in the box below.

Controller K_x(s) Model P_x(s)
Closed-loop Poles
Bode plot of open-loop transfer function L_x(s)=P_x(s)K_x(s)

Transfer function of plant model (which is only used for calculating loop transfer function and is not related to simulation) is as follows:

Design Summary